I created a popup with Leaflet doing so:
How can I update the content
value afterwards?
I suppose to do it from the marker, something like this:
has an underscore in front of it to indicate that it's a private / member instance, and should not be accessed directly. The correct API is Layer.setPopupContent().
I suppose you want the content to be changed after some event occured, like mouseover, contextmenu, or anything else.
To do so, you can use the following code:
//marker creation
var marker = L.marker([44.63, 22.65]).bindPopup('something').addTo(map);
//changing the content on mouseover
marker.on('mouseover', function(){
marker._popup.setContent('something else')
As you can see, you can acccess the popup for the desired marker using marker._popup method, and then use setContent method to change the text inside it.
popup.setContent method reference
Here's some code on Plunker demonstrating this: http://plnkr.co/edit/vjS495QPXiJpKalrNpvo?p=preview
Might be to late to reply, but for others, I think the best ways is here
$('button').click(function() {
// Update the contents of the popup
$(popup._contentNode).html('The new content is much longer so the popup should update how it looks.');
// Calling _updateLayout to the popup resizes to the new content
// Calling _updatePosition so the popup is centered.
return false;
You can get the popup content with:
Set the content it with:
var html = `
<div class="popup-box">
<div class="title">`+title+`</div>
<div class="popup-data">
<div class="popup-title">长度: `+(totalDistance).toFixed(2)+` 千米</div>
<div class="popup-data">
<div class="popup-title">名称: </div>
<input id="linename" class="popup-data-input" value="`+ response.rows[i].name + `" />
<div class="popup-data">
<div class="popup-title">管辖派出所: </div>
<select id="aioConceptName" class="popup-data-input" id="select">
<option value="管辖派出所601" selected>`+response.rows[i].mark + `</option>
<option value="管辖派出所602">管辖派出所602</option>
<option value="管辖派出所603">管辖派出所603</option>
<option value="管辖派出所604">管辖派出所604</option>
<div class="popup-button">
<button class="del" onclick="polylineDelete(`+ myPolyLine.id +`)">删除</button>
<button class="confirm" onclick="polylineEdit(`+ myPolyLine.id + `,'`+ myPolyLine.name + `','`+ myPolyLine.mark + `'` +`)">保存</button>
function polylineEdit(id,names,mark) {
// alert(id + name + mark)
// name = '111图形955800';
// alert($('#mark').val())
var conceptName = $('#aioConceptName').val();
// alert(conceptName)
var name = $('#linename').val();
// var mark = $('#mark').val();
// var _list = [ [30.28990324883237,123.43688964843751],[29.54717721331581,123.26934814453126],[29.475470141887214,122.55523681640626],[30.0381887651539,122.50030517578126]];
/*var myPolyLine = new polyLine();
/!*myPolyLine.name = "图形51300";
myPolyLine.type = "1";
myPolyLine.latlng = _list;dashArray
myPolyLine.mark = "300";*!/
myPolyLine.name = name;
myPolyLine.type = type;
myPolyLine.latlng = latlng;
myPolyLine.mark = marks;*/
// console.log(JSON.stringify(myPolyLine));
function polylineDelete(id) {
this my dynamic editor content.
I found that if you use a unique tag for the marker you can dynamically change the title information. If however, like I did you use just "marker" for the tag, then the title will not change if you update it.