I'm running a simple multiple ring buffer using ArcPy. My goal is to generate a multi ring buffer for each pond in my dataset of 50,000. Here's the line of code:
arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(pondsNearCrop, outBufferedPonds, "356.8;792", 'Meters', 'BuffDist', 'NONE', 'OUTSIDE_ONLY')
This results in each pond getting buffered twice to a distance of 792 meters. When I run the following line of code in the Python window in ArcMap, I get the expected results-- one buffer to 356.8 meters, one from 356.8 to 792 meters.
arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis("selectedPonds_Final", "out", "356.8;792", 'Meters', 'BuffDist', 'NONE', 'OUTSIDE_ONLY')
I can't understand why this works in ArcMap but not when using ArcPy. Has anyone else experienced this?