How could one force ogr2ogr to use a specific format to read input files?
Out of the box ogr2ogr automatically chooses from it's long list of formats, which most of the time is great. However today I'm troubleshooting data files which won't convert, but should, and I'm trying to get to the bottom of why. Knowing with confidence that ogr2ogr is using the correct driver and not picking the wrong driver(s) would be a great aid in that process.
A conversation on Freenode indicated OGR_SKIP config option might be one way (the only?), but I've not been able to concoct a working incantation yet.
Both command line ogr2ogr and python solutions are welcome.
ogr2ogr -f [outputformat] output.file input.file --config OGR_SKIP GML KML
for skipping two drivers. Test with ogrinfo which lists what driver it used.