I could not find a post which answered to my problem and I hope I didn't miss it, in case I did I apologize.
I'm working with Arcgis 10 and I have a multiple lines feature with gcs_wgs_1984 geographic coordinate system (same of the data frame).
I'm not very familiar with coordinate systems and projections and I've being stuck with this problem for a while, so I hope you can help.
I want to see in the attribute table of the feature the length of each line, but it is obviously shown in decimal degrees.
Which is the best solution to get that length in meters? Should I project my feature in a projected coordinate system? Which system would suit me better for this porpose? If I project a feature in a projected coordinate system will it still appear on the non projected data frame?
I tried to project it (project tool) in wgs84 Utm 32N but it gives me unknown error 999998.
The zone I'm working on is the city of Milan in Italy, if that's of any use.