Do you know a source where I can get a table for geocoding the numbers from German "Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel (AGS)" (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amtlicher_Gemeindeschl%C3%BCssel)?

  • 1
    Not sure what you are trying to achieve in detail, but you can get a vector of germany's administrative boundaries here. From point-level this should be enough. From address-level or if you stay <2500 requests/day .. maybe the google api?
    – ymirsson
    Commented Apr 15, 2015 at 10:15

1 Answer 1


Since 2015 many things changed, as well as weblinks in the Wikipedia's article.

I hope that a .xlsx-file with "Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel (AGS)" can somehow assist. Data provider "Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder".

You can find if here https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Staat/Steuern/Steuereinnahmen/Publikationen/Downloads-Realsteuern/hebesaetze-realsteuern-8148001187005.html

Content look as following:


Geocode your addresses with an geocoder of your choice and than join data from above .xlsx-file via "gemeinde" as a key, before merge all subsheets in one.

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