I have a WMS vector layer added to QGIS desktop. But the background is not transparent - it is white. How to change that? When I add this WMS to ArcGIS - all is just fine.

Here is the WMS link:

  • 1
    Which outputformat did you select when you added the layer into QGIS?
    – user30184
    Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 9:02
  • Yeah, it was default set to jpeg. When set to PNG it works fine. Add an answer so i can accept it. Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 9:09

1 Answer 1


WMS servers can typically serve images in many formats (jpeg, 8-bit png, 24-bit png etc.). Jpeg format, while it gives a good compression rate for natural looking imagery like aerial photos or satellite images, has a drawback that it does not support transparency.

If you need WMS layers with transparency, use png instead of jpeg as an outputformat. For vector layers png is a good choice anyways because such layers can usually be compressed as effectively with png as with jpeg. Png is also a lossless compression method which keeps the lines on the map sharp.

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