I need to clip all of the feature classes in the .gdb to a layer then add the results to a results dataset. However it returns the error.
Error 000210:Cannot create output C:...gdb\FC_Results\tranterm Failed to execute.
How do I set the output parameter of clip to create a featurename_clip output for each feature?
import arcpy
import os
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Student/WashingtonDC.gdb"
out_workspace = "C:/Student/WashingtonDC.gdb/FC_Results"
ClipFC = "C:/Student/WashingtonDC.gdb/citylim"
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
ListFC = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for FC in ListFC:
output = os.path.join(out_workspace, FC)