I'm trying to export a shapefile to a csv file using a cursor. I found this quesion asked and answered here: Exporting table to XYZ ASCII file via ArcPy?
However I only want to export several specific columns in a specific order. I have been able to get the .csv header to export correctly but can't get the cursor to provide the data for the rows in that same order.
import arcpy
# import csv module
import csv
# Set working file location
dataBase = r"C:\Users\vince.adams\Desktop\VLA_FinalProject\GEARY"
# Set output file location
outFile = r"C:\Users\vince.adams\Desktop\VLA_FinalProject\Tables"
tableEight = outFile + "\Table8.csv"
genStruct = dataBase + "\S_GEN_STRUCT.shp"
#--first lets make a list of all of the fields in the table
fields = arcpy.ListFields(genStruct, fieldList)
field_names = [field.name for field in fields]
with open(tableEight,'wb') as outTable:
writeOut = csv.writer(outTable)
#--write all field names to the output file
#--now we make the search cursor that will iterate through the rows of the table
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(genStruct, fieldList):
field_vals = [row.getValue(field.name) for field in fields]
del row
I'm using Arc 10.2.