I am trying to match rainfall data from USGS/FEWS to coordinate locations of survey households in Uganda, so I will need to be able to project the rainfall data. So far, I downloaded the dekadal RFE 2.0 files for East Africa (bulk by year), and for each dekad, there are five files: .bil, .blw, .clr, .hdr, and .stx. When I add the data (the .bil file) to ArcMap 10.2.2, I get the warning: "The following data sources you added are missing spatial reference information. This data can be drawn in ArcMap, but cannot be projected."
Can anyone advise on how to manually add the spatial reference for the data?
For reference, I downloaded the data files from: http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/fews/downloads/index.php?regionID=af&productID=3&periodID=6
The data documentation page http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/fews/africa/web/readme.php?symbol=rf, offers the following:
Dekadal RFE data characteristics:
Source: NOAA-CPC Time step: 10-day (dekadal) Resolution: 8km Projection: Albers equal area conic File Format: Windisp image, byte (8 bit); Generic BIL, "Integer" (16 bit).
Africa Continental Details:
Coordinates for corners:
Lower left lat : -42.243 deg
Lower left lon : -23.490 deg
Upper left lat : 43.711 deg
Upper left lon : -24.600 deg
Lower right lat : -42.242 deg
Lower right lon : 63.414 deg
Upper right lat : 43.712 deg
Upper right lon : 64.523 deg
Image size : 1152 rows x 1152 cols
Center lat,lon : 1.000000, 20.000000
Pixel size h x w : 8.000000 km x 8.000000 km
Origin of latitudes : 1.000000 deg
Central meridian : 20.000000 deg
First std parallel : -19.000000 deg
Second std parallel : 21.000000 deg
Projection = ALBERS Conical Equal-area projection uses the clarke 1866 spheroid
I am happy to download the files for all of Africa instead of East Africa in case this somehow makes it easier to matching the documentation to the coordinates.