I want to import shapefiles to PostGIS using Python with arcpy & psycopg2 to connect to PostGIS. I don't want to use the existing shapefile loader nor ogr, just write my own import tool.
My steps and where I got stuck:
- Define shapefile
- Select column names from shapefile into a list
- Create SQL CREATE TABLE query with column names of shapefile
- Insert values from shapefile into PostGIS database
I got stuck at point 4 since I don't really know how to extract the values from the shapefile and insert it into the database taking account of the correct column.
Any idea?
Code example:
import arcpy
import psycopg2
arcpy.env.workspace = r"path\to\data"
shp = "BRD.shp"
shp2 = shp[:3]
desc_shp = arcpy.Describe(shp)
#set variables and create list wo OID and Shape attributes
if desc_shp.hasOID:
print desc_shp.OIDFieldName
shp_OID = desc_shp.OIDFieldName
print desc_shp.shapeFieldName
shp_geom = desc_shp.shapeFieldName
fields = desc_shp.fields
field_names = []
for field in fields:
if not (field.name == shp_OID or field.name == shp_geom):
new_list = field_names
print new_list
sc_da_cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(shp,shp_geom)
for sc_da_row in sc_da_cursor:
print sc_da_row[0]
# PostGIS part after here
user = "postgres"
pw = "postgres"
db = "pypg"
host = "localhost"
port = 5432
conn_obj = psycopg2.connect(database=db, user=user, password=pw, host=host, port=port)
cur_obj = conn_obj.cursor()
sql_createtable = "CREATE TABLE " + shp2 + "(" + shp_OID + " serial PRIMARY KEY," +
shp_geom + " geometry," + new_list[0] + " VARCHAR(100)," + new_list[1] +
" VARCHAR(100))"
sql_insert = "INSERT INTO " + shp2 + "(" + shp_geom + ") VALUES(" + str(sc_da_row[0]) +