Firstly a bit of background:
I'm currently using fields of type double to hold the results of our chemical analysis. Different samples were analysed for different analytes and several values were reported below the limit of detection or not analysed. In an attempt to make this clear I have used a coded value domain to swap specific values to text as in the image below. I know this isn't strictly what the coded domain was intended for.
The problem:
What I want to be able to do is change the attributes field display to a specific number of decimal places. i.e. I want the numbers in the TotalNitrogen column to display to 3 decimal places.
What I have tried so far:
I have used numeric option under the field properties to specify the number of decimal places but this doesn't appear to work.
Additional caveats:
As I do not know what the end user of the dataset is likely to need I don't want this precision change permanent. I'm not adverse to using a different solution than using a mixed coded domain environment to qualify results (i.e. specify value is Below Limit of Detection) if a solution exists.
I am using ArcGIS Basic Licence level version in a Windows 7 environment if that helps.
Additional information requested in comments.
@Dan Jurgella The image below is how the coded domain is set up.