I have an OpenLayers layer with several vectors on it. I know the OpenLayers Feature ID (e.g. OpenLayers.Feature.Vector_241) and I would like to know how to remove this feature and only this feature?

I have considered deleting them all and then looping through an array to redraw them, but this seems a little inelegant, and long winded.

I have tried a variety of versions of the folllowing code:

layer.removeFeatures( featureID );


layer.removeFeatures( [featureID] );


layer.removeFeatures( {feature : featureID });


3 Answers 3


I don't think that OpenLayers is capable of removing a feature by providing the featureID. It seems like it can only remove a features by providing a feature or an array of features:


But you could instead locate the feature first and then remove the found feature:


Or similar if its not the OpenLayers FeatureID you have, then

layer.removeFeatures(layer.getFeatureBy('myId', myID));

For OpenLayers v6+ it's done in another way, considering that layer is a VectorLayer:

let feature = layer.getSource().getFeatureById('featureID');


  • I like the thinking! The problems is though that the "layer.getFeatureById(featureID))" statement returns null, and so the removeFeature() doesnt work. Im 100% that i have the right FeatureIDs though.... any more thoughts? Commented Sep 13, 2011 at 14:23
  • 1
    Scratch that. I was using the wrong featureID. Im using your second example and it works perfectly. Nice one! Commented Sep 13, 2011 at 14:43
  • 1
    I'm getting layer.removeFeatures is not a function Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 23:31

This worked for me:


But i've got the feature as a global variable, maybe in other cases you should try to keep the feature ID in order to search to remove it.


This worked for me to remove a single feature in OpenLayers 6:


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