I don't understand which kind of format I have my data. The column name is wkb_geom, so I supposed that data were in WKB format, but then I was checking around and I couldn't find example of it. Data are like this:
"0106000020E6100000010000000103000000010000007218000007000060B1D42B4010000060A372454007000060B1D42B40030000009D724540030000E0D5D42B40030000009D724540030000E0D5D42B40050000C08A7245400B000040FAD42B40050000C08A7245400B000040FAD42B40130000807B7245400B000040FAD4 (...)
Is it in WKB or WKT format?? Second question, in case it's in WKB format, how can I convert it into WKT format? I was trying to follow this suggestion
so the query is
UPDATE "ita_adm1"
SET wkb_geometry = ST_GeomFromWKB("wkb_geometry",4326)
but it keeps saying that the function ST_GeomFromWKB doesn't exist.