I am attempting to write the code for a toll in Python that will effectively:
- access the city data and load it, if it isn't already in the list of layers
- get a country name from the user and access just the cities inside that country
- calculate the median POP_RANK of all cities in that country and report the median to the user
I am fairly new to Python, as this is all have so far.
import arcpy as ARCPY
def medianCalculation():
mxd = ARCPY.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
df = ARCPY.mapping.ListDataFrames (mxd) [0]
country = ARCPY.GetParameter(0)
countryCursor = ARCPY.da.SearchCursor("cities", ["CNTRY_NAME", "POP_RANK"])
POPDict = {}
for country in countryCursor: