I am trying to project a set of coordinates (points) from an Excel spreadsheet, on top of a shapefile (map) with an unknown coordinate system.
The Excel file was created by first creating a map with some points in Google Earth and then exported it into a .kml file and then created the Excel.
The shapefile was given to me ready for the project I am doing. Basically I am trying to map-match the two files and then join-relate them to get some additional information for my project.
Here is what I did step by step:
Open ArcMap (V.10.1) and right clicked 'Layers' and defined a Geographic Coordinate System 'WGS 1984'
Imported the "vista_nicosia_links.shp" and received a warning for Unknown Spatial Reference
Exported the file into a shapefile using 'the same coordinate system as the Data frame' option.
Now in the Properties -> Source tab I can see the Geographic Coordinate System to be GCS_WGS_1984 and the 'Extend' info have 7 digits on the left of the comma.
I closed and re-opened ArcMap and performed actions of Step 1
Then I added X,Y data from the Excel file and then right-click -> display X,Y data and specified the X and Y field. In the description of Input Coordinate System it was by default GCS_WGS_1984.
I exported the data into a .shp file using 'the same coordinate system as the Data frame' option.
I re-opened ArcMap and repeated actions in step 1 and imported the two shapefiles I created in steps 3 and 7
The two shapefiles are displayed in entirely different positions the one far away from the other. I noticed that in right click -> Properties -> Source tab-> 'Extent' area of the Export_Output I see that there are 7 digits on the left of the comma (step 3), where as in Export_Output_2 I see only 2 digits on the left of the comma
- Then I tried to project both shapefiles (one at a time) from "ArcToolbox -> Data Management Tools -> Projections and Transformations -> Define Projection" into Projected Coordinate system 'WGS 1984 World Mercator' but nothing seems to change or happening. They are both re-projected at the same (initial) positions.