Licence: ArcEditor
Version: ArcMap 10.0
I have some issues to separate my data with python. To illustrate the problem, I have simplified the data with figures. I want to cut the blue polygon out of the red one. So at the end, i have only red peak of the shape 1 in my dataset.
Example of the data:
What I've tried:
1. Analysis (Toolbox) -> Extract -> Clip
-> Doesn't work for me, because only the overlapping area will cutting out. And this is always the shape 2. It doesn't matter how i configure the tool. I can't separate the red peak.
2. Select the shape 2 -> Editor -> Cut
-> works perfectly, BUT i can't manage that with python. I can't find any functions that access to the editor.
My aim is to seperate the red peak with a python script, and i don't know how I can solve this. Maybe someone has an idea?