I have shapefiles and mxds that were working fine in 10.1. I then downloaded version 10.3 ArcGIS Desktop Advanced. Now when I open the mxd, all of the data links are broken. when I open properties to reset the data source, I get an error: "***Error opening Feature Class". I get the same error on a blank map and adding a shapefile.
I tried to preview the same shapefiles in arcCatalog - I get the same error plus an additional that says "number of shapes does not match number of table records"
Any ideas? My final strategy will be to uninstall 10.3 and go back to the earlier version.
There are some shapefiles that will open in ArcMap, but not very many. I haven't figured out a pattern yet. I can open ALL of the shapefiles fine in QGIS.
I've never had 10.1 on this device - I had to move my license over. I am on a Surface Pro with Windows 8.1 and 64 bit.
I did initially download Pro - and then realized my license didn't cover that, so then downloaded Desktop 10.3. Perhaps something in Pro is interfering? Still, some data works and some does not. Does anyone know if there are any utilities needed to "upgrade" shapefiles to 10.3? Is there a format or support change?
I did a clean uninstall. Installed 10.2.2 instead. Same issues. I tried using Jody Marca's Shapefile fixer without effect. Also went through the entire list of ESRI suggestions: Check Geo, Repair Geo, delete portions of shapefile, etc. I did notice that there is a lock file from my old computer on some of the unopenable shapefiles. Continuing to hunt.