There are two python ways to do this simply, use os.walk() to find the files and then either of create a batch file or use subprocess.Popen() to execute the command.
This code contains both.. default is Batch File which can be switched by setting UsingBat = False
import os, sys, subprocess
BaseInFolder = sys.argv[1]
BaseOutFolder = sys.argv[2]
MaskImage = sys.argv[3]
UsingBat = True
if UsingBat:
FirstPartOfBat = " -A "
SecondPartOfBat = " -B " + MaskImage + " --calc=\"A/B\" --NoDataValue=0 --format=ENVI "#--outfile=image.bin
TempDir = os.environ.get("Temp") # get the 'temp' directory
BatFile = os.path.join(TempDir,"RunMe.bat")# use your own batch file if you like
with open(BatFile,'w') as BatchWriter:
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(BaseInFolder):
for file in files:
fName,fExt = os.path.splitext(file)
# you might want to think of something here to limit the file types
# like if len( fExt ) == 0: I don't have experience with MODIS so I can't say
OutFileName = fName + fExt
# if that name is already in use try another name
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,OutFileName)):
Try = 1
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,OutFileName)):
OutFileName = fName + str(Try) + fExt
Try += 1
# assemble the command line and write to batch file
pBat = FirstPartOfBat + os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,file) + SecondPartOfBat + "--outfile=" +os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,OutFileName)
BatchWriter.write(pBat + "\n") # can't forget newline.. Linux/Mac may be different
FirstPartOfCommand = ["","-A"]
SecondPartOfCommand = ["-B",MaskImage,"--calc=\"A/B\"","--NoDataValue=0","--format=ENVI"]#--outfile=image.bin
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(BaseInFolder):
for file in files:
fName,fExt = os.path.splitext(file)
# you might want to think of something here to limit the file types
# like if len( fExt ) == 0: I don't have experience with MODIS so I can't say
OutFileName = fName + fExt
# if that name is already in use try another name
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,OutFileName)):
Try = 1
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,OutFileName)):
OutFileName = fName + str(Try) + fExt
Try += 1
# got to use a new list, otherwise direct assingment modifies the existing list
# see
pOpenCommand = list(FirstPartOfCommand)
pOpenCommand.append("--outfile=" +os.path.join(BaseOutFolder,OutFileName))
ThisProc = subprocess.Popen(pOpenCommand)
ThisProc.wait() # wait until finished, you don't want 350 of them running at the same time
Using a batch file you need to compile strings and insert values where appropriate, write to file and then run the file (double click); Using Popen you need to create a list of each element of the command - and not forgetting to use .wait()
on the process otherwise the code will spawn a process and move on to spawn another process before the previous one has exited - you will end up filling up your memory in a few seconds.
I haven't had anything to do with MODIS data so I can't help limiting the input files so you should think about how you are going to limit the files.. os.walk()
returns every file in the current folder and all subfolders - you will need a way to detect if the file is suitable before trying to convert it.