I am looking for sample graphics/pictures that I can use in my program for pinpoints and other markers. Does ArcGIS/ESRI have any that are available to the public? I'm trying to use PictureMarkerSymbol
and I would like to use a url to the graphic/picture location if there is one.
2 Answers
ESRI do have a useful resources page for javascript developers that will generate the JSON needed to embed the marker symbol. I know you're not looking for the JSON, but if you look at the JSON code, there is a url to the image. I have not tired this, but you might be able to use that url.
1This works for me, however the site you linked doesn't seem to be working properly anymore (at least for me).This link has a working version though developers.arcgis.com/javascript/samples/portal_symbols/… Commented Jun 3, 2015 at 16:33
I have been using for some time icons from Material Design icons by Google and just love it. Docs are here.
A sample picture: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/maps/1x_web/ic_directions_bike_black_18dp.png