I am trying to import a .csv file as a layer in QGIS and keep getting a number of errors that I don't understand. Is there any documentation of QGIS errors available? Or can you point me towards a description of what QGIS sees as a valid .csv file? To me, the file looks ok in different editors.
The errors I get are (translated into English, so maybe not exact):
x data sets discarded because of invalid format
y data sets discarded because of invalid geometric definitions
the following lines were not loaded into QGIS because of errors:
invalid sentence format in line xyz, invalid x or y fields in line yxz, ...
there are zyx additional errors in the file.
I tried to find help on the internet, but I did not succeed. Now I don't know where to start because there are so many errors.
The problem exists in QGIS 2.0 (Dufour) and 2.8 (Wien). The errors look the same to me in both. I am trying to insert a .csv file that contains text, a time stamp, and lat and lon information.
The file header looks like this:
As you can see, I chose a set of delimiters that are - hopefully - not present in any Tweet ;) At least for the few example lines QGIS shows when importing the file, delimiting the field worked.
The texts contain emojis that are shown as, e.g., in my bash terminal with locale "de_DE.UTF-8". So maybe they are not proper UTF8?