The ArcGIS-javascript is ignoring my proxy.ashx when getting the tiles for a basemap-layer. In my case this tiles will come from "HERE". For this I need authentication-informations (AppID & AppCode) which should be set in the proxy. When not routed through the proxy, the requests will obviously fail.
I'm setting alwaysUseProxy
to true
, also I'm adding a rule for
. Roting the requests through the proxy worked with an earlier version (something like 1.3 or 1.4) and isn't working in the current version 3.13. Everything would be fine when the requests would be routed over the proxy.
When looking via console into the esriConfig
is true and also the rule exists.
Any ideas what could cause the problem ?
PS: for getting the here-tiles I wrote an own HERE-layer-object. It's inheriting from the TiledMapServiceLayer
providing a new constructor
and a new getTileUrl
-function. Just for information. I don't think that the problem lies there.