I have a script that calculates the average distance between points. What I want is to rewrite it so I can input the point layer, input a distance, and the output field will tell me a count of the number of points at that distance. Can anyone help? so basically I just want a script that will tell me a count of the number of points from a point at a certain distance.
#Import standard library modules
import sys, string, arcpy
inputFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)# Input Point Layer
inputdistance = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #input distance
outputfield = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #output field
# Read the point data into list.
xs = []
ys = []
rowCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue (properties.shapeFieldName)
cen = geom.centroid
del rowCursor
# compute distance
sumdist = 0.0
count = 0.0
for i in range(0,len(xs)):
for j in range(i,len(xs)):
if (i <> j):
dist = ((xs[i] -xs[j])**2 + (ys[i] - ys[j])**2)**0.5
sumdist = sumdist + dist
count = count + 1
print "The average inter-point distance is " + str(sumdist/count)
arcpy.AddMessage("The average inter-point distance is " + str(sumdist/count))
With the following script. Ive tried to run it as Distance.add_nearby_points_count_field('gauges.shp', 100)
import sys
import arcpy
import math
def add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance):
# Read the point data into list.
coord_pairs = []
desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFC)
rowCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue(desc.shapeFieldName)
# Add a field called 'cnt' and calculate nearby points
arcpy.AddField_management(inputFC, 'cnt', 'LONG') #i also tried cutting out this part and creating the "cnt" field manually
rowCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(inputFC)
for row in rowCursor:
geom = row.getValue(desc.shapeFieldName)
from_point = geom.centroid
near_pts = 0
for to_point in coord_pairs:
distance = math.sqrt(pow((to_point.X - from_point.X), 2) + pow((to_point.Y - from_point.Y), 2))
if distance <= inputdistance:
near_pts += 1
row.cnt = near_pts - 1 # Subtract 1 to remove the measurement to itself
del rowCursor
if __name__ == '__main__':
inputFC ='guages.shp' #originally its a featureclass but I converted it to a shapefile to try both methods
inputdistance = 100
add_nearby_points_count_field(inputFC, inputdistance)