I have an offline geodatabase in android ArcGIS which I have downloaded through gdbAsyncTask.
how do I loop into every feature in that geodatabase?
for example I could have collect all the IDs from the geodatabase and then loop into each in a for loop but this is not possible.
new FeatureLayer(localGdb.getGeodatabaseFeatureTableByLayerId(id)).getFeatureIDs(x,y,tolerance);
getFeatureIDs method does not work since I guess I have to also add the layer in my map. But I want to do that without having to add it to my map. Since I need to get the geometries only.
After the point: localGdb.getGeodatabaseFeatureTableByLayerId(id)
, how do I guery for all the features? or query for all the feature IDs, so then I can reach every feaure?