Im storing s-57 data in an MDB which is being symolised via a layer. Some attributes in s-57 data can be a list of enumerations and I want to find a way to show the actual values the enumeration represents, please see example below.
My feature has a column called colour, this can be represented as a single number (i.e. 1 = white) or it can be represented by a list (ie. 2,3,2 = black, red, black).
I have included the enumeration table in the MDB which has values similar to those shown below.
1 white
2 black
3 red
where a single colour is listed in the field a simple join to the enumeration table works fine and I can set it up so the users see the full attribute values instead of the enumeration but when a list of enumerations I still need to convert it to full attribute values, is this possible?
so in summary if I have a colour field that contains '2,3,2' using the enumeration table above I would like to be able to get the layer to display black, red, black instead of 2,3,2 in the attribute table, is this possible?