I have a raster layer of a river network containing weighted flow accumulation values and a raster layer of lakes (see image bellow). I want to replace the values of all the river pixel that fall into the lake by 0. How can I reclassify a raster by zone?
I tried to achieve the same result by doing this :
- Use the Extract by Mask to have a layer of the river network that fall into the lakes.
- Use the Raster Calculator to subtract the raster layer of the river network by the raster layer of the river network that fall into the lakes.
I though this would give the pixels that fall into the lakes the value of 0, but ALL the pixels get the value of 0 whether the pixel falls into a lake or not.
I have tried with ArcGIS 10.1 and QGIS 2.8.2 with the same result, so I'm probably doing something wrong.