I want map coordinates as mouse over effect in OpenLayers. I am using the following code. However it is showing pixel coordinates:

    map.events.register("mousemove", map, function(e) {      
      var position = e.map.x + e.xy.y;
      OpenLayers.Util.getElement("tooltip").innerHTML = position 
  • wow 7k views and only 4 up votes? Commented Feb 19, 2014 at 16:18

4 Answers 4


you can convert pixels to lat/long with the help of getLonLatFromPixel() function.

See also openlayers FAQ.


To add to simo's answer... here's an example:

map.events.register("mousemove", map, function (e) {
    var position = e.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);
    OpenLayers.Util.getElement("tooltip").innerHTML = "<label>Latitude: " + position.lat + "</label><br/><label>Longitude: " + position.lon + "</label>";

You may need to transform from Mercator to Geographic as i did... if so:

var position = e.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"), new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"));

As of Openlayers 2.12 the following approach works for accessing the coordinates from hovering:

map.events.register("mousemove", map, function (e) {            
var point = map.getLonLatFromPixel( this.events.getMousePosition(e) )     
    console.log(point.lon, point.lat)

In Openlayers 2.13, you can do it like:

    new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition({
        prefix: 'Coords: ',
        separator: ' | ',
        numDigits: 2,
        emptyString: 'Mouse not over map'

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