I'm attempting to snap approximately 900 points to a line table.

I've tried recreating what I have found from a couple of PostGIS answers but not having much luck. To test, I've created two simplified tables; one for points (ptest) and one for the lines (ltest). The test tables only consist of an ID column.

CREATE TABLE line_attribute_point AS 
        distinct on (ltest.id) ltest.*,
        ST_ClosestPoint(ltest.geom, ptest.geom) as snapped_point 
    ORDER BY ST_Distance(ltest.geom, ptest.geom);

The main error seems to be the ORDER BY.

Any ideas?

  • What do you want to do? For every point, find a closest line and snap point onto it? Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 13:05
  • yes, find closest segment (not vertex) and snap to it. All points are within about 50m
    – Graham04
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 13:49

2 Answers 2


You can not use a function in the order by clause, because you are tempting to sort a table with a column that not exists. Try this

CREATE TABLE line_attribute_point AS 
        distinct on (ltest.id) ltest.*,
        ST_Distance(ltest.geom, ptest.geom) as distance,
        ST_ClosestPoint(ltest.geom, ptest.geom) as snapped_point 
    ORDER BY distance;

But you don't have what you want with this query. (but it works)

I suggest something like this (not tested):

--create a table with id and distance
CREATE TABLE line_attribute_point AS 
        ltest.id as lid,
        ptest.id as pid,
        ST_Distance(ltest.geom, ptest.geom)::double precision as distance
    ORDER BY distance;

--because the same point could be near to one or more lines take only the point whit the closest line
CREATE TABLE line_attribute_point_min AS
       min(distance) as min_distance
     GROUP BY 

--re-assign the line id to point id

ALTER TABLE line_attribute_point_min ADD COLUMN lid integer;

UPDATE line_attribute_point_min as lap_min 
   SET lid=lap.lid
   FROM line_attribute_point as lap
   WHERE lap_min.pid=lap.pid AND lap_min.min_distance=lap.distance;

--create the geometry column and after that you can use this table for update the geometry of ptest and have the point snapped to lines

ALTER TABLE line_attribute_point_min ADD COLUMN geom geometry(Point, SRID);

UPDATE line_attribute_point_min as lap_min
   SET geom=ST_ClosestPoint(ltest.geom, ptest.geom)
   FROM ltest, ptest
   WHERE ltest.id=lap_min.lid AND ptest.id=lap_min.pid;
  • Thanks for the quick replies. Error with the "AS" in SET geom=ST_ClosestPoint(ltest.geom, ptest.geom) AS geom
    – Graham04
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 13:53
  • sorry, query updated.
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 14:03
  • Sorry seems to have an issue with missing FROM-clause entry for table "lapmin" in WHERE lapmin.pid=lap.pid AND lapmin.min_distance=lap.dist...
    – Graham04
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 14:13
  • its lap_min not lapmin, updated
    – Sergio
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 14:17
  • thanks, getting there I think. It seems to have an issue with the SRID - I removed it and it ran without error, however created an empty table? I manually set SRID to 27700 when adding to the QGIS canvas.
    – Graham04
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 14:24

Does that select do what you want?

    ST_ClosestPoint(close_line.geom, ptest.geom)
         ltest.geom AS geom
         FROM ltest, ptest
         ORDER BY 
             ST_Distance(ltest.geom, ptest.geom)
         LIMIT 1
    ) close_line,
  • it's having issue with the lines table - is this what you meant to select from?
    – Graham04
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 13:50
  • fixed it, select from ltest in nested query, as close_line Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 14:02
  • I changed FROM ltest to FROM ltest, ptest as was getting an error on the ptest.geom in ORDER BY. I presume I need to create the close_line table to begin with?
    – Graham04
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 14:32

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