I'm trying to build a mobile app, and find the x number of points closest to a users location that satisfy certain conditions that the user chooses on the front end.
My current solution is to incrementally search a small area around the user and expand the search area until the x items are found or the maximum bounds are reached, using a JTS QuadTree.
public static Set<String> searchQuadTree(Quadtree quadTree,
final MyBoundary, data_bounds,
final ArrayList<String> types) {
//used to search QuadTree
double shell = SHELL;
final double EXPAND_SHELL = 5000;
final double MAX_SHELL_SIZE = 70000;
final int MAX_SEARCH_ITEMS = 20;
Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet<String>();
//create polygon to search for points that intersect with it
Polygon polygon = data_bounds.searchAreaPoly(shell, 0);
List<MyQuadNode> items = quadTree.query(polygon.getEnvelopeInternal());
if(items != null) {
GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();
//search until the min search items are found using search criteria
while ((resultSet.size() < MAX_SEARCH_ITEMS) && (shell < MAX_SHELL_SIZE)) {
Iterator<MyQuadNode> iterator = items.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
MyQuadNode item = iterator.next();
Point point = factory.createPoint(getWGSCoord(item.getLongitude(), item.getLatitude()));
if (types.contains(item.getType()) && polygon.contains(point) && resultSet.size() < MAX_SEARCH_ITEMS) {
if(resultSet.size() < MAX_SEARCH_ITEMS) {
//expand shell slowly at first;
if (shell < 1000) {
shell *= 5;
} else if (shell < 5000) {
shell *= 2;
} else {
shell += EXPAND_SHELL;
//search a larger area
polygon = data_bounds.searchAreaPoly(shell, 0);
List<MyQuadNode> allItems = quadTree.query(polygon.getEnvelopeInternal());
//avoid filtering the same items twice
items = allItems;
return resultSet;
This will work fine (although it doesn't really find the nearest neighbors) for a small data set, if the data set grows large however this seems inefficient, i'm estimating efficiency is around x(nlogn + n + n), where x = MAX_SEARCH_ITEMS.
Has this problem been solved previously?