I have been adding a new format to OGR, all seems well and OGRInfo works. Now I would like to test my code out using QGIS. Is there an easy way to switch which GDAL lib QGIS uses on a windows box? I've read Tim's blog post but would rather not go down the recompiling from source route if possible.
2 Answers
This weekend I added a new OGR driver dll to the OSGeo4W build. You can drop a new gdal plugin - as long as it matches the same gdal version (in my case 1.8 - QGIS picked it up without trouble).
did you just copy the dll in or were other files needed to? Commented Oct 24, 2011 at 7:33
just my new dll and an extra non-gdal dll that I was using for my driver. I can read and write filegdbs from my QGIS without a problem - no changes needed from their end Commented Oct 24, 2011 at 15:13
can you tell me where you added your new dll as I can't seem to find the right spot. Commented Oct 26, 2011 at 15:41
I cannot remember the exact location since I did it on a different machine that I do not have access to... but you can just download OSGeo4W, install qgis, and under the advanced section of the installer you will find a filegdb ogr driver. Search for files called filegdb - you should only find two - and those are the two places where I added them... Commented Oct 27, 2011 at 4:59
I asked exactly the same question some time on the qgis mailing list, and here is the reply
To quote from it
I just have to make sure that my gdal shared object has the same name (or
creates a symlink) as the one expected by QGIS (libgdal1.6.0.so.1 in my case),
and add in LD_LIBRARY_PATH the name of the directory with this custom build.
Also: if you install the gdaltools plugin, you can specify the gdal binary to be used for this plugin - it would be great, if QGIS would have the same functionality build in.
sadly I'm stuck on a windows box for this project so I don't have an LD_LIBRARY_PATH (I think). Commented Oct 21, 2011 at 9:54