Is there a shortcut or an extension to ArcMap 10 that would allow me to quickly copy (to clipboard) the coordinates at the current map position/click?

I could implement such a functionality easily enough. However, I'm hoping someone has already done so.

Apparently the code is much simpler than I figured:

IPoint pt = ArcMap.Document.CurrentLocation;
Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.StringFormat, pt.X + " " + pt.Y);

2 Answers 2


Implementing mouse down event when user clicks on map using ArcObjects shows you how to get xy coordinate values.

You can then assign the x and y values to the clipboard.

  • Thanks @artwork21, I implemented it as a custom button this morning and added a keyboard shortcut to it. I'll post the code. Commented Oct 21, 2011 at 14:16

You did not specify whether you just wanted to do this through the ArcMap GUI. If that is the case just use the Identify tool to point at a location. As well as returning features found you will see a Location bar which can be copy/pasted from.

  • My goal was to hover over any location on the map and with a single key press copy the current map coordinates. I'm aware of identify + copy coordinates, but that's too many steps. Thanks for the answer though, may help someone else in the future. Commented Oct 21, 2011 at 14:44

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