I'm trying to add tpers projection as a custom projection in QGIS 2.10.1
In the Custom crs dialog I'm adding the proj.4 text:
+proj=tpers +h=500000000 +lat_0=19 +lon_0=99 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m
And when I test with some North and East values, QGIS calculates some output coordinates. The thing is that, when I click done, QGIS complains that The proj4 definition of 'tpers' is not valid
I've read this answer but I think that the tpers definition must be outdated since it produces error when I try to test it in the custom crs dialog.
The proj.4 string I'm using comes from here
ogr2ogr -t_srs "+proj=tpers +lat_0=10 +lon_0=10 +h=10000 +tilt=10 +azi=10" tilt.shp test.shp
. And gdalsrsinfo does not like it either.cs2cs +init=epsg:4326 +to +proj=tpers +h=500000.000 +lat_0=19 +lon_0=19 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +azi=10 +tilt=10 +R=6371000 +units=m wgs.txt >tilt.txt