I am trying to find a way to get the Geo Transformation (NW corner position, pixel size and rotation) for a given tiff image. I have a tiff which I know is using some coordinate reference system (an UTM projection using the WGS84 reference ellipsoid).
I would like to make it a geotiff using a software by associating, for example, point correspondences between the tiff image and a reference map. I would love to use something like Maptiler, but without the 10k*10k limitation on the image resolution.
For now, the solution I can think of is to downscale the input tiff, use Maptiler to get the GeoTransform, then use GDal to make this tiff a Geotiff by upscaling the pixelSizes by the inverse coefficient.
Are there any free alternatives to generate a geotiff by using correspondences?