I'm working on a project in which I have to compare vegetation cover changes. So we have 1950's aerial photographs which must be compared to actual satellite images. Images must be properly adapted for the satellite image, so I can measure the "before" and "after" accordingly. Do you all know any tutorial that teaches how to do this? I'll use Quantum GIS for these procedures.
The area I'm working is a landscape of ca. 50.000 ha. The aerial photographs were already digitized and yes, they're black-white. So I have several images, each corresponding to a certain amount of landscape. These photographs are not georeferenced, so I'll have to locate their coordinates manually. This is not a hard task, the hardest part for me is to properly deal with the errors / or distortions, photography angle, etc. in order to match to the satellite images. I think the resolution is quite OK to work with, since my idea is to verify how much vegetation advanced into grasslands in the past 60 years.