I have created a custom print task using my own custom templates and the Export Web Map tool in Server Tools of ArcGIS 10.2 to create a geoprocessing service similar to the print task made by Esri.
The geoprocessing service sits in the same directory as my map service for the mapping application I am working on. In Internet Explorer 10, my map application works perfectly fine - but when I click on the Print button to print I get an error in the console stating "Access is denied".
I ended up adding a proxy to my application after getting the following error in the console when using the print button originally: "Error: esri.config.defaults.io.proxyUrl is not set. IF making a request to a CORS enabled server, please push the domain into esri.confi.defaults.io.corsEnabledServers".
So I added a proxy into my application and then got the "Access is denied" error. I tried the same functionality with Esri's out-of-the-box print task but had the same error.
Does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it? My print button works in both Firefox and Chrome with no problems, and I thought by adding the proxy the problem would be resolved.