Following this example (see the section "Use the Tiles as a CartoDB Base Map"), I am trying to add a set of xyz tiles to CartoDB, without success.
I exported a EPSG:3857 png from ArcGIS, and created tiles with gdal2tiles: combine_rc1.png fortiles -z 3-11
I uploaded these to an Amazon s3 bucket, and made them public. Here is one tile as an example:
Following the CartoDB example linked above, I then tried to add a custom xyz basemap:
Insert your XYZ URL:
Enter a url:{z}/{x}/{y}.png
But this doesn't validate, and nothing is added to the map. The page says:
We couldn't validate this, if you're sure it contains data click "add basemap".
The example is for Google cloud storage. Should I expect this to work with Amazon s3? If so, what am I doing wrong?