I am trying to export a map with several shapefiles from QGIS to an OpenLayers web map. For that I tried the "Export to OpenLayers" and the "qgis2web" (Version 0.23.0) Plugin. I tried it before (one month ago) and back then both Plugins were working. Now I get a Python error which looks like that:
qgis2web produced an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Hannah/.qgis2/python/plugins\qgis2web\maindialog.py", line 99, in previewMap
File "C:/Users/Hannah/.qgis2/python/plugins\qgis2web\maindialog.py", line 232, in previewOL3
previewFile = writeOL(self.iface, layers, groups, popup, visible, json, cluster, labels, params, utils.tempFolder())
File "C:/Users/Hannah/.qgis2/python/plugins\qgis2web\olwriter.py", line 53, in writeOL
exportLayers(layers, folder, precision, optimize, usedFields)
File "C:/Users/Hannah/.qgis2/python/plugins\qgis2web\utils.py", line 68, in exportLayers
uri = TYPE_MAP[layer.wkbType()]
KeyError: -2147483647
I tried the Export on a Linux machine and on a Windows machine with two different versions of QGIS (2.0.1 and 2.10.1). With both I get the same error. The Python Version is 2.7.6
Apparently the error depends on the shapefiles. In case I only show the districts (polygon) then I don't get an error. As soon as I upload some point shapefile the error occurs. Anyone knows what the matter with the shapefiles? Why is it a problem with some to export them and with others it isn't?
One of the shapefiles that isn't working can be seen here (hospitals).