123.csf file contents;
book_id TYPE book_ref Status POINT_X POINT_Y
2397 3 3645 Keep 9526430.185 4363958.707
9644 12 2584 Keep 9526427.129 4363961.326
9295 4 4427 Retire 9526421.019 4363963.072
4406 3 3333 Keep 9526461.894 4363968.266
1798 4 1832 Retire 9526461.457 4363974.813
7643 4 1594 Keep 9526407.489 4363966.127
6778 3 8582 Retire 9526412.29 4363968.746
2252 3 3574 Keep 9526367.183 4363972.194
7910 4 5648 Retire 9526402.746 4363934.921
7588 3 9873 Keep 9526401.436 4363928.375
# import modules
import arcpy, csv
# Set the workspace environment
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/Code/Python/Library/Peter/MASTER_02.gdb"
ws = arcpy.env.workspace
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
print "Env.workspace set to: '" +ws+ "'" '\n'
#feature class
in_fc1 = "C:/Data/Code/Python/Library/Peter/MASTER_02.gdb/ZONES/Shelves"
print "Feat_Class: " +str(in_fc1)+ "\n"
# What needs doing starts here......
Att_Dict ={}
with open ("C:/Data/Code/Python/Library/Peter/123.csv") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for row in reader:
if row['Status']=='Keep':
print "Att_Dict: " + str(Att_Dict)+ "\n"
# Correctly imports the values as "Att_Dict" that I am after from the 123.csv = ....
# {'7643': '7625', '2397': '1835', '7588': '9681', '9644': '2289', '4406': '4443', '2252': '7947'}
Att_List = []
for key, value in Att_Dict.items():
Att_List.append([int(key), int(value)])
print "Att_List: " + str(Att_List)+ "\n"
# Correctly reformats the Att_Dict values as Att_List for updating ....
# [[7643, 7625], [2397, 1835], [7588, 9681], [9644, 2289], [4406, 4443], [2252, 7947]]
for pair in Att_List:
Att_Dict[pair[0]] = pair[1]
fn1 = 'book_id' # field name 1
fn2 = 'book_ref' # field name 2
fields1 = [fn1, fn2] # format works with da.UpdateCursor
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(in_fc1, fields1) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
pos_1 = row[0] # pos_1 equates to record at row[0] ('book_id') column in fc "Shelves"
if pos_1 in Att_Dict: # if record row[0] ('book_id') column also exists in the Att_Dict,
row[1] = Att_Dict[pos_1] # get the matching row[1] 'book_ref' value and overwrite the row in fc "Shelves"
cursor.updateRow(row) # perform the update
# Delete cursor and row objects to remove locks on the data
del row, cursor
# And finishes here.....
The code is a copy and paste not a retype so nothing missing and it worked with my varaibles right now. Most importantly it meets my requirements albeit after the event.
It may not be the most elegant code but it works and maybe others can get some value from it.
Note if you're working in SDE, I found I had to add an edit session.
# What needs doing starts here......
Att_Dict ={}
I modified to
# What needs doing starts here......
# Start an edit session. Must provide the worksapce.
edit = arcpy.da.Editor(ws)
# Edit session is started without an undo/redo stack for versioned data
# (for second argument, use False for unversioned data)
edit.startEditing(False, False)
# Start an edit operation
Att_Dict ={}
and this before the # And finishes here.....
# Delete cursor and row objects to remove locks on the data
del row, cursor
# Stop the edit operation.
# Stop the edit session and save the changes
# And finishes here.....