I'm working with openLayers 3, which is new to me, and I've been able to add a popup to my map that comes up when you click on a feature in a vector layer. The trouble is the popup content does not update when you click on another feature; you need to click on an area where there isn't a feature to close it, then click on another feature for the popup content to refresh. I'd like for the popup content to update when you click on a new feature, without having to click on an area where there is not feature first. Is there a way I can do this? Here is the code for the popup that I am using:

map.on('click', function(evt) {
  var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel,
      function(feature, layer) {
        return feature;
  if (feature) {
      'placement': 'top',
      'html': true,
      'content': '<b>Parcel No: </b><br>'+
      '<b>Owner: </b><br>'+
  } else {

1 Answer 1


Destroy it first, then show:

  if (feature) {

      // the keys are quoted to prevent renaming in ADVANCED mode.
          'placement': 'top',
          'animation': false,
          'html': true,
          'content': feature.get('txt')
  } else {



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