I'm using ESRI arcgis 3.13
I have map with minZoom set to 3.
When user tries to zoom in to level 19, the program just hangs and after a while, comes back with a generic browser error not from the application that says "more memory is needed" etc. So the application is killed during zoom. Shown here:
I tried to debug this, and pinpointed to this line, this is the line where the program would stop and hang, and it is calling an ESRI map method:
_map.centerAndZoom([-79, 43], 19);
I have this for my map intialization:
_map = new Map("myMap", {
center: [-100, 48],
zoom: 3,
basemap: "streets",
minZoom: 3,
logo: false
However, this was all working before, and just stopped work this week.
Also, if I set initial map zoom to be 7, the app hanging problem goes away. So I am thinking if it because the zoom is changing too much. But like I said, the program was working before even with that much of zoom, and it worked before even from zoom level 1 to zoom level 19.
Any ideas how to fix this? Or where to look for potential problems?