Many spatial analysis packages provide Monte Carlo techniques to simulate upper and lower “envelopes” for a summary statistic as a function of distance (e.g. K-function, nearest neighbor, etc…). I’ve sometimes seen the significance of deviation from the envelope expressed as:
p = m * 1 / (n +1)
Where n is the number of simulations and m is the rank of the largest and smallest observation from a simulation sample for each distance r. For example, if m = 1, the first largest and first smallest values from the simulation sample are used to plot the upper and lower simulation envelopes. If m = 2, the second largest and second smallest values are used to plot the simulation envelopes.
My questions are:
1/ where does the + 1 in the denominator originate from? For instance, if we run 39 simulations, why divide by 40?
2/ Regardless of the number of simulations performed (i.e. 39 or 9999), m seems to have a disproportionate influence on the computation of the significance level. It would seem that taking the 2nd highest and lowest values of a simulation sample from 9999 simulations would have less of an impact on the width of the simulation envelope than from 39 simulations. I’m sure that there is a sound theoretical basis for this, but its logic escapes me. Is there an analogy in inferential (non-spatial) statistics that can help make this a bit more intuitive?
3/ How should one present the results of a simulation envelope? I sometimes see a p value defined for a simulation, but how is one to know if the presented p is for m=1 or a more stringent m=3?
Edit: Per whuber's comment here is some clarification:
1/ The type of simulation pertains to testing the null hypothesis such as complete spatial randomness (CSR)
2/ Example of a package that computes simulation envelopes is spatstat (R). The function is called envelope and nrank is the parameter m described in the above equation.