I am trying to implement an undo/redo functionality during drawing a fetaure using the draw interaction. For the modify interaction I was able to to do it using the 'modifyend'
event. like so:
while for the draw interaction no such events exist.
event fires when finishing my drawing. But I need to trace all the vertices drawn in the meantime.
For the time being I came up with this:
myapp.Editor.editDraw = new ol.interaction.Draw({
source: myapp.Editor.PseudoEditLyr.getSource(),
type: type,/** @type {ol.geom.GeometryType} */
style: drawStyle,
condition : function(e){
//fires the mousedown event while drawing
if (myapp.Editor.editSketch ){
return true;//always return true but need to listen for the mousedown event
Which does the job but this is not elegant, as it trace the 'mousedown'
event and not the 'vertexadd'
Do any of you have any idea?