I'd like to identify mountain-peaks from an SRTM TIFF (created/composed from the original HGT ones).

How I'd wish it would work: Check for each pixel whether it is the highest value within a given radius (and I'd like to play with this radius). I know... it will generate some noise, but I will deal with it by having a larger "moving-frame" (i.e. bigger radius) up to 1-2 km.

This entry: how-to-calculate-peaks-in-a-dem asks basically the same and especially the (second) comment below the question from user/whuber phrases the problem perfectly - but I'd need a description (somewhat step-by-step) how to execute it.

The first (and chosen) answer would have been a nice start, but executing r.param.scale only throws an error ("Datenquelle ungültig" - "data-source invalid"), even though the same layer/file perfectly works with other GRASS tools.

Edit "Solution"

Turns out r.param.scale works perfectly, but you need to work in a projected coordinate system. So simply reprojecting to such a projected coordinate system solved my troubles.

within the r.param.scale one has to choose for the 'Morphometric parameter' and this will categorize all pixels from 1 to 6, being 1 = planes, 2 = pits, 3 = channels, 4 = passes, 5 = ridges, 6 = peaks.

As expected the results vary vastly depending on the chosen parameters.


I am aware of this entry too: how-to-extract-mountain-peak-points-from-a-given-digital-elevation-model But there is not much practical advice given.

It seems this is a somewhat popular question brought up sporadically by amateurs like myself...

  • Seems that your troubles are not related to finding a tool, but actually making the tool you have work. Furthermore, are you sure that you aren't actually getting a result when running and GRASS throws an error? I just tested, and while it gave me an error message, it also produced the expected result. Nov 5, 2015 at 10:34
  • Well, it is making the tool work OR finding a method which works... I am happy with either of them. After your suggestion I checked, whether or not there is an output: there isn't. But I also read the in-tool protocoll, and there is an other error: "Lat/Long Location wird nicht unterstützt" (= "Lat/Long Location not supported"). But I don't know whether this is about the tool (r.param.scale) or about my SRTM TIFF.
    – Chrugel
    Nov 5, 2015 at 11:03
  • This is a wild guess, but try to reproject your SRTM tile to a projected coordinate system, such as UTM, and then supply the tool with that file. Nov 5, 2015 at 11:20
  • 1
    Would be good if you could edit your question to reflect the solution, so that people that find the question using google also get the "answer". Nov 5, 2015 at 12:07
  • 1
    Solutions should be posted as answers instead of within the question. This way, answers can be accepted to show more clearly that it solved the problem. Also I think @MikkelLydholmRasmussen should post it as an answer :)
    – Joseph
    Nov 5, 2015 at 12:23


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