As noted here, when you receive an error of the form

001272 : Analyzer errors were encountered (codes = <value>).

this means that the attempt to stage and publish a service failed.

The tool provides a set of codes in the error message, but the documentation I linked to only tells you to fire up an ArcGIS Desktop tool to find out the problem. Instead, I would prefer to use the code to look up what the error is; this would be especially helpful to me since the publish is happening automatically in Python via arcpy.

Is there a resource that tells us what the codes mean?

I am using 10.2 at the moment and will soon be upgrading to 10.3.

2 Answers 2


It appears that the documentation of the error codes can be found in the Technical guide for map services. Specifically, the documentation is in the Prepare window messages section. The codes in that list are padded with leading zeros, but the numbers themselves match up.


When I got the error message 001272 : Analyzer errors were encountered (codes = 3), I tried to use a new .mxd as some suggested. Through trial and error the problem was rectified by decreasing the data path (long folder names/ data folders too deep) simply by copying my data to a higher folder in the data tree. If that makes sense.

  • 2
    Welcome to GIS SE. As a new user, please take the Tour. We are not a discussion forum; instead we use a Focused question/Best answer model. While this Answer addresses the specific error code mentioned, the Question itself is about a reference to all error codes, which this does not address.
    – Vince
    Commented Apr 24, 2023 at 12:27

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