I have an attribute table with 5,000 records in QGIS. From this I have selected a subsection of 200 records whose attributes I need to modify. In the column called 'NAME' I would like to replace the current values with the same value for all 200 selected records.
Right now, the values in column NAME are different for each row (eg. Tom, Claire, Michael etc.) and I would like to know if there is a way to replace the 200 random names with the same name. I don't want to create an additional column, only to overwrite the current value stored in the 200 selected records.
So far I've tried various replace and regexp_replace expressions but I can't seem to get the correct syntax. Is there syntax that is able to select all the random names in the subset and replace it with a name I have chosen. Something like select, from selected NAME records and replace with XYZ?