I want to calculate the field "area_type" with text depending on numbers from the "Value" field. I have tried with the following VB-script in "Field Calculator" but am getting this error message:
"The calculated value is invalid for the row with ObjectID = 1. For example, the calculated value may be too large for the field or you may be trying to add a string to a number field. This row will not be updated".
My "area_type" field type is string and "Value" is type long.
Dim area_type
Select Case [value]
Case "1"
area_type = "aapent omraade"
Case "11"
area_type = "bebygd"
Case "12"
area_type = "samferdsel"
Case "21"
area_type = "fulldyrka jord"
Case "22"
area_type = "overflatedyrka jord"
Case "23"
area_type = "innmarksbeite"
Case "30"
area_type = "skog"
Case "50"
area_type = "aapen fastmark"
Case "60"
area_type = "myr"
Case "70"
area_type = "isbre"
Case "80"
area_type = "vann"
Case "99"
area_type = "ruralt (ikke kartlagt)"
End Select