That particular json is already a box - so the bounding box will be identical - but here is a general approach
this assumes you have a leaflet map object named 'map' - although not necessary to get the bounding box, allows you to visualize what is going on:
var json = {"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry": {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-73.98332834243776,40.76718414067168],[-73.98332834243776,40.78941230883186],[-73.93200159072877,40.78941230883186],[-73.93200159072877,40.76718414067168],[-73.98332834243776,40.76718414067168]]]}};
var coords = json.geometry.coordinates;
var lats = []; var lngs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < coords[0].length; i++) {
// following not needed to calc bbox, just so you can see the points
L.marker([coords[0][i][1], coords[0][i][0]]).addTo(map);
// calc the min and max lng and lat
var minlat = Math.min.apply(null, lats),
maxlat = Math.max.apply(null, lats);
var minlng = Math.min.apply(null, lngs),
maxlng = Math.max.apply(null, lngs);
// create a bounding rectangle that can be used in leaflet
bbox = [[minlat,minlng],[maxlat,maxlng]];
// add the bounding box to the map, and set the map extent to it