env.workspace = "C:\Users\\Documents\pythonMODIS\extract"
# Set local variables
inZoneData = "mask.shp"
zoneField = "Classes"
inValueRaster = "mi1511171_clip.tif"
outTable = "zonalstattblout02.dbf"
# Execute ZonalStatisticsAsTable
outZSaT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(inZoneData, zoneField, inValueRaster,
outTable, "NODATA", "MEAN")
I have several modis images and one layer mask for 3 regional field classes. I want to iterate zonal statistics in all rasters data set, get a summary dbf table but keeping each raster name, mean, min, max by region class.
I had run once for each image but I want to iterate all the images together. I wonder if I need to define a rasterlist in the workspace and to include that in outZsat
I need some help with the code.