I work for a small company that designs alignments using ArcGIS. (To give you an idea of company size, we have about 50 employees; I am the only full-time GIS person, although we have 4 ArcMap licenses.)
In the past, the alignments we have dealt with have been fairly straightforward (5 miles or less) so we have handled the numerous version of the alignments simply by saving dated shapefiles for each version of the alignment.
Now we are taking on a project that will be significantly longer and more complex (30+ miles) so I am looking for ways to track the version and changes to our alignment.
I have read some about ArcMap's versioning capabilities but this does not seem like exactly what we are looking for. I do not need the ability for multiple users to edit the database; I will be the only user making changes to this database. I do not have any kind of ArcSDE geodatabase set up.
What I really need is:
- A way to keep track of each version of the alignment, so I can see what it looked like at any particular moment in time, and
- A way to track/tag each specific change from the previous version (such as the alignment was moved to the other side of a road at the certain location due to overhead utilities)
Can anyone suggest an ArcMap tool or other system or procedure for efficiently keeping track of these kind of changes?
Note: We only have the Basic ArcMap License. Geodatabase Archiving seems like a great tool for this use, but it requires a Standard or Advanced level license. Any suggestions for tools that work with an ArcMap Basic license? Upgrading would be an option to look into, but I want to explore other options first since Standard may be out of our price range.