I am trying to write a script that identifies all Shapefiles within my folder structure and write a list of the .shp files with their full path file name to a newly created .txt file. I was able to get this code to work with PNG files but when i try to search for .shp files i get a RuntimeError. I have every idea this is because there are multiple files that make up a shapefile.
Is there a way to do this using ArcPy?
His is my code so far:
import os, arcpy
StartDir = "C:/Temp/"
OutputFileName = "CarolinasSHPs"
tempName = StartDir + OutputFileName + ".txt"
outFile = open(tempName, 'w')
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(StartDir):
for f in files:
arcpy.env.workspace = root
if f.endswith(".shp"):
outFile.write( root + f + '\n' )