Having tried Project -> Export DXF as well as right clicking my vector layer and using the save by dxf feature I have found that the contours do not show in AutoCAD to be elevated from 0
I have checked the attributes of the contours vector layer and find and attribute set containing ID,ELEV and going further I have tried the command:
ogr2ogr -f "DXF" contours-out.dxf contours.shp -zfield ELEV
which I have run successfully although I found that I had to download some version of gdal tools and add the path to my system to the various gdal subfolders I am finding that still the contours do not elevate from 0 and all are still drawn to a 0 elevation in AutoCAD.
- I also received at some point an error in my console about the creation of an additional attribute ID which is not supported reported by the ogr2ogr command.
Is there a way to export contours to DXF with elevations?
Before I posted this question I read: Exporting QGIS contour attributes in DXF file? and a few others like it.